KeepSolid Blog

Sync Photos To Storage: Tips & Tricks to Making Great Photos

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In this post, we have decided to explore the basic tips on how to make your pictures look perfect. Thankfully, the spring is everywhere and all we have to do is to grab a camera and spend the whole day outside looking for the moments to capture and hold on too. As soon as you get home, use Photo Transfer WiFi or Sync Photos To Storage to upload the dozens of new photos fast. If you still hesitant, our company offers you to use these great applications for free. And we would love to hear your feedback as soon as these apps made the process of picture upload a whole lot easier. By the way, both apps do not require to be used by one platform only as they will make a compatible download of cross platforms (i.e. iOS and MS Windows).

Use the Rule of Thirds. Simply place the original points that most interest on the grid intersections.

Position eye-catching elements along the lines.

Leading Lines. Refer to natural lines that will help you to lead viewers’ eye in to the photo.

Diagonal Lines create authentic movement in the picture.

Use Natural Frames (windows or doors).

Base your picture on a Contrast.

Get a close look at your object.

Place the dominant eye in the picture’s center. It will create an effect that a person is looking right at you.

Patterns are pleasing to the eye.

Breaking patterns creates even greater response.

Symmetry is authentic.

In addition, both Sync Photo To Storage and Transfer Photo WiFi feature exclusive and very easy-to-use UI allowing the photo upload in minutes. It is worth to mention that both apps are upgraded regularly so you are guaranteed to get top quality app that you will use often.