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What is SWOT Analysis: Definition, Benefits, and Examples

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Updated on Feb. 07, 2020:  We’ve stopped support of Roadmap Planner but the Roadmap feature is now available in our new goal-oriented platform – Goals by KeepSolid. This business solution provides the same opportunities to plan and execute your strategies and even more. Check out Goals by KeepSolid and stay tuned for its updates!

Every entrepreneur knows that in order to gain success, a strategic plan adapted to the external environment is required. However, not all managers actually know how to create one. Fortunately, there are lots of helpful techniques, tools, formulas that you can use as a template. But which of them should you choose? That’s the question we’re aiming to answer today. No matter which stage of strategy development you are in, we suggest you to tackle the basics first.

SWOT analysis serves as a bright example of a classic strategic planning technique. In our rapidly-developing world you can easily get lost in daily routine and miss some non-obvious issues of your business. This is where SWOT analysis gets indispensable. It becomes more than just a planning technique, it also gives you an opportunity to get a bird’s eye view of your business. So before adding a Conduct SWOT analysis task to your Gantt chart in Roadmap Planner, let’s answer the whats and whys of this topic.

A goal without a plan is just a wish. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Click To Tweet

History of SWOT analysis

For the first time this acronym was used by professor Kenneth Andrews in 1963 in the context of a conference devoted to business policy problems. Then, in 1965, four academics from Harvard suggested to use the SWOT analysis model for developing business strategy. At that time it was named LCAG after the first letters of the authors’ surnames (Leraned, Christensen, Andrews, Guth). 55 years later SWOT analysis still retains its relevance.

What is SWOT analysis?

In a nutshell, it is a strategy planning technique which helps you assess the internal and external factors that are inherently linked to your business. The acronym SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Typically, the technique manifests in the form of a matrix, which is exactly what we will observe in this piece.

The main benefits of the model are as follows:

Example of SWOT analysis

So how to conduct a SWOT analysis? In order to figure this out, we’ll delve deeply into each part of the technique. At the end of the article we’ll visualize the whole matrix and introduce in it the questions you have to answer during the analysis.

  1. Taking Advantage of Strengths. Strengths are the positive factors that are internal to your company. These are the attributes that you can influence and should build on. For instance, express delivery of your products can definitely be your strength that you can use. Also, filling the Strengths box with the competitive advantages that you are aware of can also give insights on some non-obvious edges of your business.
  2. Reducing Weaknesses. Weaknesses are the negative factors that are internal to your company. You can influence these, too. Basically, these are all of the disadvantages that your company has. SWOT analysis helps you to identify your business’ shortcomings and be realistic about them. You have to minimize these factors before they become a real problem. An inadequacy of staff resources can serve as an example of a business weakness.
  3. Exploiting Opportunities. Opportunities are the positive factors that are external to your company. You can’t influence them, but you should utilize them. At this point you should identify them and figure how you can take advantage of them. For example, a lack of competitors on a new market segment can be your opportunity.
  4. Preventing Threats. Threats are the negative factors that are external to your company. Unfortunately, you can’t influence them, too. These factors could cause a number of problems to your company. That’s why you should avoid existing threats and prepare for potential ones. Changes in regulatory law will definitely be among such threats.

SWOT analysis helps you to develop a strategy of exploiting Strengths and Opportunities, reducing Weaknesses, and avoiding Threats. Click To Tweet


In order to do SWOT analysis effectively, you should stick to the following rules:

That’s all for today! We hope this article helped you to understand what is SWOT analysis and why you need it. Our team also conducted SWOT analysis when we were creating our White Label VPN by KeepSolid, and so we’ve already solved all the obstacles that you can face. If you have some more questions, don’t be shy to ask them in the comments below.