How to use unlock with Touch ID on iOS devices

This guide provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to unlock our strong password manager with Touch ID. Learn how to manage Passwarden biometric unlock settings on your iOS device within a minute.

How to set up unlock with Touch ID?


1. Open Settings and enable the Unlock with Touch ID option in the Security section.

2. Confirm your Master password and tap Enable.

How to use unlock with Touch ID?


After you enable biometric unlock, you’ll be asked to unlock your Passwarden account using your Touch ID.

If you don’t see the unlock prompt, simply tap the  button.

How to disable unlock with Touch ID?


Go to the Settings and disable the Unlock with Touch ID option in the Security section.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact our customer support via [email protected]. We’re glad to assist you!

Turn on unlock with Touch ID and be sure no one can access your Passwarden account

Add extra protection to your password manager by setting up the Unlock with Touch ID feature.