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Blue Ocean Strategy Summary – Should You Implement It?

Blue Ocean strategy summary and benefits

If you are a part of the business community, you might be familiar with the concept of blue ocean strategy. It is a marketing theory from the similarly-named book that was published in 2005 and became a perennial bestseller. It is generally acknowledged that the title, Blue Ocean Strategy, sounds very appealing. Ironically, this name also became one of the main reasons why the theory is harshly criticized.

Some say that the concept of the blue ocean is a myth and nothing more than a sweet title. They also say that the authors, W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, wrote this book solely for profits. In our humble opinion, the name contributed to the popularity of strategy, but it is not the key merit of this theory. In case you haven’t read the book but are interested in this topic, meet the blue ocean strategy summary by the KeepSolid Goals team. Pros and cons of implementing it in your company included.
