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What Is a Good Product Roadmap

Product launch as the last step of product development process

Product managers and all product owners often use a set of tools and methods to care about their projects. A product roadmap is one of them. This valuable instrument allows not to miss any business details and realize all manufacturer ideas. But what is a good roadmap? What are its objectives and purpose? Let’s find out! 

Roadmaps are widely used in businesses of any scale. Types of roadmaps can be presented on a coordinate system, where the Y-axis is the size of the business unit, and the X-axis is the type of task being solved by the roadmap.

The Y-axis represents the scale of the business unit size, and the X-axis represents the type of task being solved by the map.

In this article, we are going to cover the important features of a roadmap. Using this tool we will try to answer the question “What will be with a product in the future and why”.
