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Task Scheduling

KeepSolid Goals provides numerous ways to conveniently schedule tasks and other works, manage their completion, monitor progress, and successfully reach your business objectives. See how to use our app’s task scheduling feature and set clear and precise deadlines on this page.

Efficiently schedule tasks and reach all your objectives with Goals!

Sign up with KeepSolid Goals, craft a plan of your project, schedule tasks and bring your business to success.

What is Task Scheduling

A task is a specific set of actions that are intended to bring an organization closer to achieving its goals. One of the essential aspects of a task is that it has to be time-bound, so that you not only know what needs to be done but also when. Hence, task scheduling is the process of setting explicit deadlines by which a task should be completed. One thing to keep in mind is that according to the Agile management approach, even though the deadlines have to be precise, they shouldn’t be set in stone. You must always be on the lookout for new factors that might affect the task performance, and be ready to update the schedule if necessary.

Scheduling Tasks via Different Tabs of KeepSolid Goals



KeepSolid Goals offers a variety of ways to display your task scheduling, including Timeline. It is a separate tab where you can see all tasks and their respective Key Results in one place on a single timeline. Information presented in such a way shows managers and employees their current scope of work, progress, and how the items are interrelated. 


Kanban board


Another way to present your task schedule is via the Kanban tab. There, tasks are distributed among the following columns: To Do, Analysis, In Progress, Review, and Done. The Kanban board helps you schedule tasks by moving them to the To Do column. Besides, it shows the current state of the project and whether your team is staying within the schedule.  



The Worksheet tab presents detailed information about your Key Results and their tasks. There, you can see assignees, status, priorities, KPI, and budget, as well as the deadlines and days left. You can filter and sort tasks by their due dates and days left till the planned completion, and as a result, get a clear understanding of the tasks schedule. 


Via the Worksheet tab, you can also easily manage the task scheduling of individual employees. Just filter tasks by the necessary team member and see his works only, monitor the progress, and take actions if required. By filtering tasks to display your works only, you can stay focused on your current tasks, without stuffing your head with unnecessary worries.


Use the best task scheduling app to manage your projects!

Why Choose Goals as Your Task Scheduling App

Agile task management

If you want your project management to be really Agile, you must be flexible in how you establish, allocate, and monitor tasks. Some of the most frequent ways to do this are to use agile tools like Sprints and Kanban boards, which also allow PMs to establish assignments in relation to their projects or timetables, as well as to bring structure and logic to otherwise unrelated work.

Efficient OKR approach

KeepSolid Goals is based on the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) methodology. According to it, you should make your global Objective the focal point of your team's efforts, and then add Key Results, which are sub-goals that must be fulfilled to achieve the Objective. After that, you need to split your Key Results in the Goals app into tasks, required to reach those Key Results. All in all, this allows you and your team to keep focused on the important things, as each task you schedule is objective-oriented.


Intuitive interface

Scheduling tasks and other works is very simple. KeepSolid Goals features an easy-to-use and intuitive interface, offers a comprehensive onboarding so that all team members can quickly figure out how to use the app, where to see the scheduled tasks, etc.

24/7 customer support

Even for beginners, our software and its task scheduling feature are very user-friendly. However, anyone may require a little help from time to time. Whenever you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our customer support, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’ll be glad to help you!

How to Schedule Tasks in the Goals App

Scheduling tasks in the Goals app is possible via a number of different tabs. On the Objective Map, you can click on the necessary task and edit it, adding start and due dates. On the Worksheet tab, you can indicate due dates in the relevant column. Timeline lets you drag and drop your tasks across the timescale. And here’s how to schedule tasks via the Kanban board:

Important Steps to Effectively Schedule Tasks
步骤 1
Create a list of tasks

Making a list of tasks helps you outline what needs to be done and not miss out on anything important. In KeepSolid Goals, you can do this via the Objective map tab, by splitting Key Results into relevant tasks. You may consult with your team to ensure that the entire project scope is kept in mind.

步骤 2
Define priorities

Determine which tasks are the most significant and need to be scheduled and done first. Our task-scheduling app lets you set priority for each task you create, just by choosing one of the following options: Low, Medium, High, Critical, or Blocker. With proper prioritization, you can schedule urgent and high-priority tasks in the first place and not let anything block your project at any stage.

步骤 3
Estimate time to complete tasks

Figure out how much time it would take to complete the tasks set. You may consult with team members for more precise estimation. It is also recommended to schedule some extra time to deal with any emergencies and contingencies. The more unpredictable the task, the more contingency time you need to schedule. Otherwise, you risk missing the scheduled deadlines. 

步骤 4
Assign team members

When entering details and scheduling the works, don’t forget to indicate team members in charge of the tasks, so that nothing is left unattended or missed out.

Rescheduling Tasks in KeepSolid Goals

KeepSolid Goals makes it super-easy to reschedule tasks if needed. You can do this by double-clicking on the task to open its settings and entering a new start and finish dates. Alternatively, you can drag and drop a task to a new place on the timescale on the Timeline tab. 

Efficient task scheduling is just one step away

Sign up with Goals, conveniently schedule tasks, assign team members, and reach your business objectives!
