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¡Descubre Goals by KeepSolid 3.0!
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New Business Solution for Managing Projects – Meet Goals by KeepSolid

Happy businessman achiving his goal with the best goal-oriented tool - Goals by KeepSolid

Note: This article was originally posted on the Roadmap Planner blog on August 15, 2019

KeepSolid team is happy to share with you great news! We are launching our new corporate solution – a goal-oriented tool called Goals. As the creators of Roadmap Planner (a tool for strategic planning), we’ve already had experience in developing business products. Our team has learned much from our successes and challenges and now we are ready to present you with a brand-new product for project and task management. 

In a nutshell, Goals is an agile software for creating mind maps, collaborating with your team members, and achieving goals using a single application. How to set your goals with our goal-oriented tool? Who needs to use it? Keep reading and get the answers. 

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