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Is Goals by KeepSolid Just Another Trello Clone? Or Can You Use Project Management Software for Strategic Planning?

Is Goals Just Another Trello Clone?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Recently, we have noticed confusion in the public view regarding product roadmaps and development calendars. There are many users who can’t see the difference between the two and believe that the functionality of these tools is identical. No doubt, project planning, and task scheduling go hand-in-hand, however, they serve tangibly different purposes.

We decided to dive into some details and find out the core differences between a product roadmap and a development calendar. For this, we will compare Goals by KeepSolid, a strategic planning tool, and Trello, one of the most popular team task management calendars. Let’s start from the very beginning.

What’s Goals strategy software?

It is a top-quality tool that allows you to map out your tasks in the direction of your product over time and visualize the big picture of the whole project. It includes handy feature sets and functionality to clearly articulate the strategy and enhance the efficiency of your workflow. Goals helps you see what stands behind your product and describes a path from where you are to where you want to be in months or years to come. 

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