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What is Long-Term Planning?

Learn What is Long-Term Planning and Strategy

Updated on Feb. 01, 2021.

A long-term plan is a document that acts as a map or guidance, clearly establishing where you are headed and how you are going to get there. It allows you to accurately prioritize works, and monitor your progress towards the end-goals. This process liberates you from the troubling cycle of day-to-day planning.

Long-term planning is conducted at a strategic level and begins with setting definite goals and analyzing strategic options to reach them, based on the assessed SWOT results. To succeed in your field, this data should be always kept up-to-date, considering current market conditions and forecasts.  What are the steps required for long-term planning? How does it differ from strategic planning? What goal planning software to use? KeepSolid Goals team answers all these questions below.

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