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How to Create a Strategic Plan for Business and Not Screw Up

How to Create a Strategic Plan for Business and Not Screw Up

Reading Time: 4 minutes

According to the business dictionary, a strategic plan is a roadmap to achieving both the short- and long-term goals of a company. As you can see, this definition doesn’t contain any big words like differentiation or synergy. However, some might think that the definition sounds a little vague. And when they actually move to create their company strategic plan, they often find themselves with no clear understanding of what this plan should look like. You wouldn’t want to end up among them, would you?

Running your own business is an incredible journey. In order to cut losses and reach success(-es?), your roadmap has to be as clear and result-oriented as possible. That’s why the KeepSolid team prepared this extensive guide on how to create your company strategic plan and which components you definitely shouldn’t miss. Check it out!

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