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How to Combine BSC, OKR, and North Star Methodologies to Full Effect

BSC, OKR, and North Star - differences and combinations

Have you read anything about performance management or strategy lately? Then you’ve probably come across phrases like Balanced ScoreCard (BSC), Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), and North Star (weirdly, no acronym). These frameworks have certainly gained momentum lately, but to say that there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding them would be an understatement.

Some say that the BSC approach is very similar to OKRs. Others, that OKR and North Star are basically just two different fancy ways to express the same idea. Well, we say that, like many controversial things in life, BSC, OKR, and North Star are but tools - it is how you apply them, and to which problems, that matters. But it wouldn’t hurt to have them all in your toolbox, anyway.

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