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Guide to Startup Strategy. Start Smart With This Step-by-Step Checklist

Start Smart With This Step-by-Step Checklist

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Launching your own startup can go in two ways. One, you begin unprepared, not having time or motivation to do due research on how to start; you stumble upon numerous unexpected problems on the way, and either try to catch up and adapt, panic-mode or your enterprise falls flat and dies trying. The second way is you start your business slow, soaking up all the knowledge you can… and feeling overwhelmed with the amount of useless information and pointless “tips” out there.

What, you don’t feel like you’d prefer either of the perspectives? Well, if succeeding with a startup was easy, we’d have had a dime a dozen Steves Jobses and Bills Gateses running around! But still, the latter of the options – learning as much as possible – is immensely more preferable.

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