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Roadmap Thinking – How to Build a Strategy Using a Roadmap | Roadmap Crafting Checklist Included

Confusion in business will not be your problem if you use right strategy and roadmap planning

If you are a regular reader of our blog, by now you should already know our answer to the question “to plan or not to plan?”. For newcomers – but of course to plan! The next important question, however, is HOW to make a plan? More specifically, how to write a business plan if you don’t have that much experience and/or would rather avoid employing professional analysts? This is exactly what we’re going to discuss today!

In this piece, we will cover a certain method of business strategy planning – using a roadmap. It revolves around defining your goals and outlining more or less concrete key points, or milestones, that should get you there. This method is considered to be first implemented by Motorola in the 80s, who defined roadmap as “an extended look at the future”. Let’s delve deeper into this topic (and don’t miss our roadmap crafting checklist at the end of this article!)

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