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What is SWOT Analysis: Definition, Benefits, and Examples

Miniature 4 people sitting on wood word SWOT

Every entrepreneur knows that to gain success, a strategic plan adapted to the external environment is required. However, not all managers actually know how to create one. Fortunately, there are lots of helpful techniques, tools, formulas that you can use as a template. But which of them should you choose? That’s the question we’re aiming to answer today. No matter which stage of strategy development you are in, we suggest you tackle the basics first.

SWOT analysis serves as a bright example of a classic strategic planning technique. In our rapidly-developing world, you can easily get lost in your daily routine and miss some non-obvious issues of your business. This is where SWOT analysis gets indispensable. It becomes more than just a planning technique, it also gives you an opportunity to get a bird’s eye view of your business. What is SWOT analysis and what is its history? What are examples of SWOT analysis? KeepSolid Goals team has answered these whats and whys below.

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