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Path to Success: Make Goals SMART, Overcome Obstacles, and Use Goal Achievement App

Road that says success in the asphalt, concept of road to success in business. KeepSolid Goals

Updated on Jan. 29, 2021.

There are many cases when even successful businesses make serious mistakes, which cost them a lot, if not to say everything. A living example is the Target network. It is a well-known business in the US market. Their vision was to integrate into the Canadian market. However, it failed because of setting the wrong objectives. They forgot that goals have to be realistic, measurable, time-bounded, and smart. 

Such a neglection of business principles led them to devastating results. They tried to join one of the largest markets within the shortest terms without a proper plan. As they say, haste makes waste and undermines the essential objectives (they do say so, right?). In this piece, KeepSolid Goals team provides you with a guide on how to conduct SMART goals, avoid business obstacles, and reasons to use a goal achievement app. But first, a small business success lesson.

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