Keepsolid Career

At KeepSolid, our main goal is to improve company efficiency, while improving employee performance with all of our employees.

While developing modern products, we simplify complex tasks by offering simple solutions compatible for various devices that are available worldwide.

Our team of experts realize that software is just a tool that helps achieve results. We understand there is a human element with development, which is why we combine information technology, case analysis, and solve problems for our users in a timely and professional manner.

iOS/Mac Developer

Required skills:
  • Experience with Objective-C, XCode, AppKit from 2 years
  • Networking (NSURLSession, AFNetworking)
  • Understanding the Apple Human Interface Guidelines
  • Multitasking (GCD, NSOperationQueue)
  • Experience with Apple services (APNS, IAP).
  • Experience with social media APIs (Facebook, GPlus).
  • Vision and desire to create high-quality, user-friendly UI
  • Experience in building universal applications
  • Experience with Git, Redmine
Will be a benefit:
  • Understanding the principles of working with applications for MacOS X, OS specifics (app lifecycle, filesystem, and shared resources access, keychain access, app sandboxing)