How to Set Up KeepSolid SmartDNS on OpenWRT Router

Before you change OpenWRT DNS settings

  • It is recommended to record the current DNS settings of your OpenWRT router before you start to configure it with KeepSolid SmartDNS service. You might need this information in case you wish to revert to your original settings in the future.
  • To unblock streaming services with our KeepSolid SmartDNS app, you have to register your IP address. Check out how to manage your IP address in the KeepSolid SmartDNS App and your KeepSolid User Office here

How to configure OpenWRT DNS

  1. Login to your OpenWRT router Admin Panel.  
  2. Navigate to Network > Interfaces > LAN settings.

    Note: In case your internet connection uses Static IP address, you may need to configure OpenWRT DNS in Network > Interfaces > WAN settings.

  3. Choose the General Setup tab. 
  4. Proceed to the Use custom DNS servers fields and enter the DNS server addresses of KeepSolid SmartDNS service: 

    Note: You may need to add the second field by pressing the plus (+) icon on the right, in front of Use custom DNS servers field.

  5. Save the changes by clicking Save & Apply
  6. Make sure to reboot your router for the changes to come into force on the network. 

    Note: Access to KeepSolid SmartDNS service is granted basing on the IP address that you register in our system. Whenever your IP address changes, the service will stop working for you. In this case, make sure to register the new IP address via your User Office or KeepSolid SmartDNS app to get everything up and running again. 

How to block Google DNS on OpenWRT router

We recommend you to block Google DNS ( and on your OpenWRT router, as some apps on devices like Roku TV, Google Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, Samsung Smart TVs with Tizen OS, etc. are set to use Google DNS by default. So to stream media without geo-restrictions, follow the below steps to block Google DNS: 

  1. Proceed to OpenWRT settings and go to Network > Firewall > Traffic Rules > New forward rule and fill out the following fields:
    • Name: Enter a custom of your rule for example DNS.
    • Source zone: lan
    • Destination zone: wan. 
  2. Press Add and edit
  3. Fill out the below information: 
    • Name: DNS
    • Restrict to address family: Choose IPv4 option
    • Protocol: Select TCP+UDP
    • Match ICMP type: any
    • Source zone: Select lan
    • Source MAC address: any
    • Source address: any
    • Destination zone: Select wan
    • Destination address: Choose Custom and enter
    • Action: Reject.
  4. Click Save & Apply.
  5. Repeat the steps 1 - 3 of this instruction, but in the Destination address enter
  6. Click Save & Apply again to save the second rule as well.