How to Set Up Belkin Router with KeepSolid SmartDNS?

Important notes before you change DNS settings for Belkin Router

  • Your router model may have a different interface. Ensure that your device is running the most up-to-date firmware.
  • To unblock streaming services with our KeepSolid SmartDNS app, you have to register your IP address. Check out how to manage your IP address in the KeepSolid SmartDNS App and your KeepSolid User Office here.
  • Whenever your IP changes, our service will stop working for you. To avoid this, make sure to update your IP address via your User Office or KeepSolid SmartDNS app. 
  • Before you start making any changes on your Belkin Router, you should save your original DNS settings for future reference. You’ll need them in case you want to switch back to the original settings. 
  • We also recommend you to block Google DNS addresses ( and making some changes via your router settings. You can find the exact steps in the following section of this manual: How to block Google DNS on Belkin Router. 

How to change DNS on Belkin Router

1. Firstly, you should go to the Belkin Router Admin Panel. To do this, you can just type to the browser address bar. In case if you still can’t access Belkin Router Admin Panel, you can also enter or

2. Then you should enter the credentials for Belkin Router Admin Panel. To find the correct info of your default credentials, you can check out your manual handbook or your router box for. 

3. In the Internet WAN section, you should choose DNS.

4. In case it asks you for a password, you should fill in the password of your Belkin Router. Or you can try to leave it blank and click Submit if you haven’t changed the password before. 

5. Now you should uncheck Automatic from ISP and enter the Belkin Router primary and secondary DNS servers:

6. Click Apply Changes.

7. Restart your Belkin Router.

How to block Google DNS on Belkin Router

1. Firstly, you should go to or

2. Now you should fill in the default username and password admin/admin

3. In the new window, you should choose Static Route that can be found under LAN Setup.

Note: If there are no Static Route option, you don’t need to block Google DNS on your Belkin Router.

4. Then fill in the following fields:

Network Address -

Subnet Mask -

Gateway - or (or another valid IP from your network)

5. Press Add.

6. After that, you should repeat these steps for your secondary Google DNS (

7. Restart your Belkin Router.