How to Set Up D-Link Router with KeepSolid SmartDNS?

Important notes before you change DNS settings for D-Link Router

  • Your router model may have a different interface. Ensure that your device is running the most up-to-date firmware.
  • To unblock streaming services with our KeepSolid SmartDNS app, you have to register your IP address. Check out how to manage your IP address in the KeepSolid SmartDNS App and your KeepSolid User Office here
  • Whenever your IP changes, our service will stop working for you. To avoid this, make sure to update your IP address via your User Office or KeepSolid SmartDNS app. 
  • Before you start making any changes on your D-Link Router, you should save your original DNS settings for future reference. You’ll need them in case you want to switch back to the original settings. 
  • We also recommend you to block Google DNS addresses ( and making some changes via your router settings. You can find the exact steps in the following section of this manual: How to block Google DNS on D-Link Router. 

How to change DNS on D-Link Router

1. First things first, you should go to Router Administration Page via or

2. In the new window, you should fill in Your User Name and Password in case you have them. If you haven’t set up a username and password manually, the default credentials are admin for the name and password for the password. 

3. Now you should press on Manual Internet Connection Setup button at the bottom of the window or click WAN on the left.

4. Then enter the D-Link Router primary and secondary DNS servers:

5. Click Save Setting or OK

6. Restart your D-Link router. 

How to block Google DNS on D-Link Router

Note: If your D-Link Router allows for LAN based static router, you have to change the Interface in step 6 of this guide from WAN to LAN to successfully block Google DNS on your D-Link Router. In case your router only has WAN, you should follow our guide on how to block Google DNS via the Access Control feature

1. Login to your D-Link Router.

2. Then you should go to the Status tab.

3. Now scroll down to LAN and make a note of the router IP address.

4. Go to the Advanced tab.

5. Now you should choose the Routing tab.

6. Then check the box that you see next to the static route and fill in the tabs:

Name - Anything you want.

Destination IP -

Metric - 1

Interface - LAN

Netmask - or

Gateway - The router LAN IP address you noted down in step 3.

7. Repeat the aforementioned steps for Googles secondary DNS

Name - Anything you want.

Destination IP -

Metric - 1

Interface - LAN

Netmask - or

Gateway - The router LAN IP address you noted down in step 3.

8. Click Save Settings.

9. Restart your router. 

10. Now test your static routes to make sure you’ve blocked Google DNS. ​

How to block Google DNS via the Access Control feature on D-Link Router

In case your router is not able to set up LAN based static routes and only has WAN, you should follow our alternative guide on how to block Google DNS via the Access Control feature. 

1. Firstly, you should log in to your D-Link Router via the browser.

2. Go to the Advanced tab > select Access Control.

3. In the new window, check Enable Access Control and press Add Policy.

4. Then you’ll see the steps to add a new policy for Access Control > click Next.

5. In the new window, you should fill in a Policy Name that can be anything you like > click Next.

6. Select Always > click Next

7. In the Select Machine window, you should check Other Machines > click Add > click Next.

8. In the Filtering Method window, you should choose Block Some Access > check Apply Advanced Port Filters > click Next.

9. In the Port Filter window, you should check the Enable box > fill in the following info:

Name - Anything you want.

Dest IP Start -

Dest IP End -

10. Now you should not change other settings:

Repeat steps for 

Dest IP Start -

Dest IP End -

11. Click Save.

12. Restart your D-Link Router.

13. Now test your static routes to make sure you’ve blocked Google DNS. ​

How to test your static routes 

1. Go to Command Prompt on your PC or to Terminal on Mac.

2. Enter ping in the command line > click Enter.

3. Enter ping in the command line > click Enter.

4. If you’ve done everything right, you’ll see the results as either a Timed Out or Destination Host Unreachable error.