How to Set Up Your TP-Link Router with KeepSolid SmartDNS

Before you change your TP-Link DNS settings

Before you make any changes in the DNS settings of TP-Link router, we recommend to make a note of your current settings. You may need the TP-Link DNS address if you decide to revert to the original settings later. 

In case your original configuration was set to Automatic, just change TP-Link DNS server settings back to Automatic again.

To unblock streaming services with our KeepSolid SmartDNS app, you have to register your IP address. Check out how to manage your IP address in the KeepSolid SmartDNS App and your KeepSolid User Office here

1. How to change DNS on TP-Link router

To change TP-Link DNS server settings and configure your router to work with KeepSolid SmartDNS service, follow the few easy steps below. 

Some TP-Link routers allow you to configure our DNS on WAN and DHCP. This guide covers both settings. 

  1. Open your TP-Link router Admin Panel, which is usually accessible via, or, and log in. 
  2. Navigate to AdvancedNetwork > WAN (Internet) on the left menu of your TP-Link router. 
  3. Check the box Use These DNS servers (Use the following DNS address).
  4. In the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS fields, enter the addresses of KeepSolid SmartDNS servers:

  5. Click Save
  6. To enter our DNS addresses on DHCP, proceed to DHCP on the left menu.  
  7. Type the addresses of KeepSolid SmartDNS servers in the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS fields: 

  8. Press Save.
  9. Reboot your router for the new TP-Link DNS server settings to apply.  

    Note: Access to KeepSolid SmartDNS service is provided basing on your IP address, which you need to register in our system. Whenever your IP address changes, our service will stop working for you. In this case, please update your registered IP address via your User Office or KeepSolid SmartDNS app to get everything up and running again on your TP-Link router. 

2. How to Block Google DNS on your TP-Link Router

After you configure your router to use our DNS addresses, follow the steps below to block Google Public DNS servers:

  1. Login to your router and note down your Routers LAN IP. 
  2. Go to Advanced Routing on the left menu.
  3. Use the Add button to add a new configuration and enter the following addresses in the fields:

    Subnet Mask:
    Gateway: Enter your IP Address (which you’ve noted down in step 1)
    Status: Enabled

  4. Click Save.
  5. Press Add again and enter the following details:

    Subnet Mask:
    Gateway: Your IP Address (which you’ve noted down in step 1)
    Status: Enabled

  6. Click Save.
  7. Restart your router.
  8. To make sure the settings are working, ping from any computer connected to your router. In case ping fails, the settings have come into effect.