Roadmap Planner Merges With Goals by KeepSolid
Reading Time: 4 minutesUpdated on Feb. 07, 2020: We’ve stopped support of Roadmap Planner but the Roadmap feature is now available in our new goal-oriented platform – Goals by KeepSolid. This business solution provides the same opportunities to plan and execute your strategies and even more. Check out Goals by KeepSolid and stay tuned for its updates!
The big news is on the horizon! We’re excited to announce that two of KeepSolid’s critically acclaimed products – Roadmap Planner and Goals – are merging, and will now simply be known as Goals by KeepSolid. The resulting product will combine the best of both worlds to help you, the user, visualize your plans, set smart goals, and hit your targets with flying colors.
What will change from now on? How exactly does this concern you? What cool new features will be available in Goals by KeepSolid in the future? Read on and find out.
What is Goals by KeepSolid
For those of you unfamiliar with Goals, here’s a brief summary on what this app is. Goals by KeepSolid is a target-oriented project management and strategic planning solution. It offers an array of features to help you define and set overarching goals, determine associated sub-goals, assign and manage relevant tasks, and control your progress towards success.
Below are some of the features that make Goals what it is – the ultimate tool for agile project management and business planning.
Mind maps
Goals by KeepSolid allows you to build mind maps centered around your end-goal. This ensures that, whatever sub-goals you pursue and whatever tasks you assign, they all exist in lockstep and serve to achieve your business targets. Here’s a thorough guide and FAQ on how to set a global target and build a mind map around it Goals by KeepSolid.
Team collaboration
This feature is vital – the bigger your business, the more so. It enables efficient teamwork and helps you allocate human resources where, and how, you need it the most. In Goals, you can create teams, manage their composition and add new members, and flexibly assign tasks to the employees and teams that best fit the job. Also, you and your team members will always be on the same page thanks to handy email notifications.
Check out our manuals to learn how to invite team members and how to assign targets to them.
Task management
Once you have your team ready for work, it’s time to get rolling. Goals by KeepSolid facilitates agile management approach with sprints and Kanban board features. These are essential techniques that allow to easily manage running tasks of lots of different employees and teams simultaneously. Be sure to check out our sprints guide and Kanban board guide to know how to utilize these features to their fullest extent.
What Roadmap Planner adds to Goals by KeepSolid
Roadmap menu in Goals by KeepSolid
Roadmap Planner was designed as an ultimate app for creating informative and compelling roadmaps. The roadmap is a neat tool for when you want to outline the whole project at once, as a whole. It is a perfect middle-ground between high-level mind maps (roadmap is more detailed and interconnected) and nuanced sprints/Kanban task management (roadmap doesn’t get into nitty-gritty details as much).
Roadmap allows you to retain the bird’s eye view of your whole project, with all its interdependencies and involved departments and elements. This tool is best used for long-term strategic planning and visualizing your goals and tasks on a timeline. And now, with Roadmap Planner getting integrated into Goals by KeepSolid, all users of the latter can start making their own roadmaps for free!
How to use roadmaps in Goals by KeepSolid
You can use roadmaps to see the big picture of your projects, prioritize and schedule tasks with respect to the overarching targets, monitor the progress, and execute all your goals. For this, you will find three types of roadmaps in Goals by KeepSolid:
- Targets Roadmap – shows an overview of all your global targets and associated goals
- Goals Roadmap – lists all goals related to a specific target and all tasks associated with these goals
- Team’s Workload – covers all tasks assigned to your teams and employees
These three types of roadmaps can easily come in handy when used right. See our guide to learn how to use roadmaps in Goals.
Future of Goals by KeepSolid and Roadmap Planner
As you can see, a single menu in Goals will now provide all of the capabilities of Roadmap Planner. Considering this, from now on KeepSolid will focus all its resources on supporting Goals and honing it to make it the best project management and business planning tool out there. We are discontinuing support for Roadmap Planner and integrate it into Goals by KeepSolid.
Have a subscription in Roadmap Planner? Don’t worry! This January, you will receive an email with instructions on how to transfer your account, documents, and teams to Goals. If our email fails to find you, after the next update of Goals by KeepSolid you will be able to make the transfer yourself, right within the app.